A group of 4 smiling people look on as a man scrolls on a smart phone
Why sponsor?

Be your community's hero.

You, powering your community's tool for good.

Weekly Notifications

Power every text to every user in your community, with 100% viewership.

Individual Needs

Show you're making a difference by appearing on every need and notification to specific audiences.

Your Community.

Mobilize your community to help any cause or your partner organizations. Impact is measured in real-time.

A Woman holds a smart phone with downtown scenery in the background

You’re building the next generation of philanthropists.

Purposity is engaging a whole new generation of philanthropists. Be the one to power your community's movement.
“They are taking our main source of distraction and slamming undeniable purpose right there on the screen. They get your attention by sending a weekly text of an immediate need. All you have to do is jump into action and give.”